Traitor... they shouted !!
You're a criminal, Traitor..Traitor..Traitor. Does not sound like a happy country to me, sounds like a once free and prosporuse land...
Traitor... they shouted !!
Humor Exposes the insanity...
Look closer... Marcron, Trudeau.. are they creating the crisis?
Homeless in Smithers, Province pressures municipality..
What are you doing CANADA?..
DOD or DO "Offence"... guilty!
Blue Pill Day Meltdowns?
So Long 2022 !!!
Christmas Eve !!!
Unified Grass Roots..
Kidnapping a baby ... in the New World Order.
Trudeau's Psychopatic Hypocrisy ..
Never Forget ... the lessons of the past.
More Theatrics ... MP opportunist..
Climate Politics - CO 2ruth..
What does Canadian mean? What are.."Unacceptable Views"
The Final Lockdown.
Bill 36 .. Dixtator?
Implants anyone?
Digital Id Australia..